Orders can be made through the website directly for a selection of our products, and this range will both increase and change gradually over time. For other items we can arrange an order over the phone or you can drop into the shop during our normal opening hours.

Ordering Online

  1. Navigate through the product categories
  2. Choose one or more items by clicking the large blue 'Add to Cart' button on the product details page(s)
  3. Review your 'Shopping Basket' and when you are happy proceed to the 'Checkout'
  4. Choose between having the order delivered or "Click and Collect" and enter your details
  5. Enter your payment details and confirm your purchase

Orders are generally dealt with as soon as they are received, and parcels are picked up from us in the early afternoon every weekday. Most deliveries should reach their destination the next working day. Where an ordered item can not be dispatched straight away, for whatever reason, every endeavour will be made to make contact and advise of the expected delay. Please note that, while our systems do synchronise, any stock status or quantity shown on the website is only indicatory - the actual availability to fullfil you order may be affected by a number of factors including (but not limited to): stocking errors, concurrent orders on the website, and concurrent sales taking place in the shop.

Ordering by Phone

For privacy and security we are unable to take Debit/Credit Card details over the phone. Instead we can e-mail an invoice with a link to pay securely online. Please pick up the phone and dial 01-6777179 - any of our experienced team would be delighted to assist you. Just hit '1' when prompted to choose who you wish to talk to. 

If you wish to order something which you do not see listed on our website please do get in touch - it may be a product we do stock which has simply not been listed online, or it may be something we can order for you very easily. 

Product Substitution

At Conns Cameras we will always endeavour to supply the product exactly as ordered, however to ensure the most reliable service for our customers there may be rare occassions when a similar or better item is sustituted. The two possible senarios are outlined below, and any substitution would be notified to the customer when the item is being shipped. A customer would of course have full rights to refuse this substitution either when notified or upon delivery and receive a full refund should they wish to.

  1. when an order is received for a battery, accessory or consumable which is out of stock, but where an identical (or better) alternative is available from a different manufacturer (excluding branded camera batteries or accessories, where a third-party alternative would never be substituted without prior approval).
  2. where a model has been discontinued and replaced by the manufacturer by an identical (or improved) model at the same (or lower) price (specifically excluding cameras, but particularly relevant to tripods and accessories).

Other occassions may occur when, in the opinion of Conns Cameras, the customer's best inerests are served by substituting an alternative product for that which has been ordered, but in this case the customer would always be contacted before the order is proceeded with.