Lume Cube CTO 4 Pack - For the Light-House

Lume Cube CTO 4 Pack - For the Light-House
EAN / UPC : 855239006558 | Brand : Lume Cube | SKU : LC-LHCTO11 178454

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Perfect for shooting in different environments, the CTO (Color Temperature Orange) 4 Pack comes with 4 different warming gels which allow you to adjust the Lume Cube's color temperature.

  • 806 Warm Amber 2 (Y=50.4%)
    Filter for major warm up correction of cool white LED to Tungsten
  • 807 Warm Amber 4 (Y=65.1%)
    Filter for medium warm up correction of white LED to Tungsten
  • 808 Warm Amber 6 (Y=75.4%)
    Filter for correction of warm white LED to Tungsten
  • 809 Warm Amber 8 (Y=79.7%)
    Filter for fine correction of warm white LED to Tungsten